Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan Wtp

Nederlandse versie

Your employer has opted for Nationale-Nederlanden's Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan Wtp for your pension. This is an investment pension that complies with the latest legislation. You have several choices to tailor your Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan Wtp to your needs and circumstances.

Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan Wtp is an investment pension (also known as a defined contribution agreement). This means that we invest with the premiums paid. When you retire, you buy a pension benefit yourself from the value of your investments. What else is arranged for you depends on the choices your employer has made. In your Pension 1-2-3 or on mijn.nn you can see the possibilities within your pension scheme.

Online insight via mijn.nn

You can view your Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan Wtp on mijn.nn. Here you will gain insight into your total expected earnings for later, and whether this is enough. You can also calculate what different choices will give you and pass on certain choices immediately.

Log in to mijn.nn

What coverage is arranged for me as standard?

Within the Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan Wtp, a number of things are arranged for you as standard.

  • Pension for yourself.
  • Partner's pension for your partner in the event of your death.
  • Orphan's pension for your children in the event of your death.
  • Exemption from premiums in the event of incapacity for work.
What possible coverages have been arranged for me?

Depending on the choices made by your employer, it may also be possible:

  • Anw shortfall pension.
  • Disability pension.

In mijn.nn and in your Pension 1-2-3 you can read what has been arranged for you.

What investment choices do I have?

We offer a standard lifecycle, which your employer can choose as the basis for the pension scheme. In the life cycle, we automatically reduce the risky investments as the retirement date approaches. The standard lifecycle can be reduced to a fixed benefit (balanced reduction to fixed) or a variable benefit (balanced reduction to 30% variable).

Everyone is unique and has personal preferences and a personal situation. That is why we offer you the opportunity to deviate from the standard lifecycle. And you can adjust the way you invest in your personal online environment.

Choices for you
Freedom to invest
  • Limited investment freedom (lifecycles)
  • Broad investment freedom
  • Type of investment
  • Index Tracking
  • Actively Managed
  • Investment profile
  • More cautious+
  • More cautious
  • Balanced
  • More ambitious
  • More ambitious+
  • Risk reduction Depending on the investment profile
  • 0% (fixed)
  • 15%
  • 30%
  • 45%
  • 60%
  • Phasing out the lifecycle
  • Expected state pension age
  • Retirement age in the scheme
  • Read more about investing for your pension

    Can I also purchase a guaranteed pension?

    If your employer has included the Pensioenclick in the scheme, you can purchase a guaranteed pension yourself. So it's up to you whether you want to use this option. This can be done with (part of) the premium and/or the available investment value.

    In mijn.nn and in your Pension 1-2-3 you can read what has been arranged for you.

    Can I invest myself?

    Your employer determines whether you have the option to choose your own investment funds ('Self-investing'). You are then responsible for the investments yourself and, for example, we no longer automatically reduce the investment and interest rate risk, as we do in the lifecycle. Of course, you can reduce these risks yourself with your choice of fund as the retirement date approaches. You can also align the investments as closely as possible with the purchase of a fixed or variable pension benefiton your retirement date.

    In mijn.nn and in your Pension 1-2-3 you can read what applies to you.

    Documents and useful links

    Documents mentioned in your Pension Regulations

    In your pension regulations (part of layer 3 of Pension 1-2-3) you may be referred to this webpage for some documents and forms. You can find them below. Please note: do your pension regulations not refer to these documents and forms? Then they do not apply to your pension.

    Explanatory videos

    There is a lot to tell about your PPP. You can read all the information on our website or at mijn.nn. But you can also watch our videos. They are a quick and easy way to learn more about your pension.

    What is arranged for you by default?

    Retirement pension, partner's pension, orphan's pension and waiver of contribution in the event of incapacity for work are default elements of the Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan.

    Interest rate risk and invesment-linked pension

    This video explains how interest risk affects the level of your investment-linked pension.

    Investment risk and your pension

    This video explains how investing can affect your pension and how we limit fluctuations in the level of your pension.

    Pension and risk of death

    If you pass away, your partner may face a financial shortfall. This video explains why this is and what you can do about it.

    Inflation risk

    In this video, we explain what inflation is and how it affects your pension.

    Investing for your retirement

    In this video, we explain the choices you have when investing in lifecycles.

    Guaranteed pension

    In this video, we explain what options you have to opt for a more secure pension.

    Interest rate risk and guaranteed pension

    In this video, we explain the impact of interest rate risk on guaranteed pensions.